I am choosing to write about how to better myself academically. I feel this is the topic that I most relate with, as I am sure most others are. I will talk about things that I have done, and continue to do as a student. I have been working on my academic self for the past 20 or so years. Every semester I have to readjust the way I learn, according to the classes I am in. And especially at this time. I also have dyslexia, and over the years have realized that it is a lot more common than I thought it was. I like telling people that I have this disability and then showing them how I help myself and better my academics and make them feel more able to do the same. I really enjoy talking in groups of people because I do find that I have more of a natural leader side to me. I am able to scan the room and make eye contact with a number of people as I do so. I will be able to keep my nerves at a minimum as I will practice and recite what I will be presenting. I can make some parts of my presentation interactive, for example, I can ask questions like, “does anyone else do this?” or “Does anyone have any tips that I haven’t listed”. This is a really great way to keep the attention span of people in the audience because it makes them feel better than they have something in common with someone else.
OUTLINE: *Talking about how I have struggled with dyslexia and my academics
*listing off a few things that have helped ME improve
*weekly to-do list
*a planner
*color coding
*getting ahead
*time manage
*take breaks
*don’t put too much on your todo list at once, break things down
*making it interactive, making academic goals for yourself
Doing “what I learned in my academic career that will help me in my Professional career”
-talking to professors and advisors in person, practicing one on one conversations
-organizational tools: keeping track of assignments in a planner or on a calendar
-Time management, learning a routine, and schedule addressing emails professionally to get into a good habit
-addressing emails professionally to get in good habit
I think my best advice I gave out was a trick that I personally used while filming my video. I told my parters to write down the bullet points they wanted to talk about in their video on a piece of paper. This was a helpful trick for me so I was hoping it could be helpful for the other peers in my group.
I noticed in the videos of my peers they were wandering a bit, meaning their eyes, and therefor their train of thought was wondering. Being able to brainstorm beforehand, and writing things down makes it easier for me, and I’m sure others to stay on track. For me, this was a brain dump, but an organized brain dump. I was able to think about what I wanted to say before I started filming. I noticed I had less “um” and “uh” in my video. I am hoping this will help them stay on track with the information they are trying to relay onto us as an audience.
A peer told me to use more body language after he watched my dry run video. I did not notice how little I moved in the vide until he said something about it. This why peer review is so important, they point things out that I wouldn’t have noticed otherwise, they also said I had really good eye contact, as good as it can get through a screen, and a nice projected voice.
This was thier best advice becasue it was the one thing I felt I was missing. Obviously they pointed out that I needed visual aids, but those were things I would add in after the fact. But I really needed the comment about the body launguage, becasue I dont talk with my hands at all, and look a bit robotic. It was good to see someone noticed it so I coul fix it before the final product.
After the peer review day, I feel pretty good with where I am at. I got some good feedback, even though there wasn’t a lot, there are definitely things I can approve of just from rewatching my own video myself. I will be sure to add in more body language and my visual aids as well. I was not able to give in person feedback to my group, but able to make virtual comments back to the videos from the people in my group. It was nice to see other peoples videos and hear what they have to say, it gave me a good perspective on how other people’s thought processes worked. For the edits I am going to make with my video, I am going to get more lighting, make the screen a bit brighter. As I rewatched my last video it felt dark and slow and it just wasn’t the vibe. The next change I will make is my visual aids, I am going to add in a bullet point on the side of my video for each topic that I cover, that way it’s not super overwhelming with a lot of writing and it keeps people attention from wandering to the next bullet point I have without listening to me talk about the one I am still on. I will also be adding more body language into the video. I am not quite sure how I will be doing this yet, maybe instead of sitting I will be standing, that way I am able to move around a bit more. I will be keeping the amount if “eye contact” that I have the same, along with the topics I talked about.
Overall, I think that the lone wolf project went very well for me. This process was very easy to follow, and went by very fast. For my drafting process, I was planning to do “how to better your professional self”, but I soon realized that everything that I will use in my professional career, I learned from my academic career. So for the project I wanted to do, “what I learned in my academic career that I will use in my professional career”and I think it came out really well. The correlation between the two was so clear to me so I wanted to being that light to others in class as well. I really enjoyed working with peers within my cohort but also hearing about the process of other students in the other cohorts. I feel like I did really good on the final product and followed all of the guidelines. I think it was a really good idea to have a peer review day, and then time to create a new video. At first I was really dreading filming a completely new video, but after rewatching my dry run video, and getting feedback from my peers it became apparent that creating a new video was needed. I was able to reword a couple of things, and able to add and cut things out of my points of talking. I also liked seeing other videos from people in the cohort, this allowed me to alter my video or any of my thoughts and talking points. I will definitely look forward to using this same process in some future projects we have in this class.