Brochure Page

OUTLINE: JOURNAL 22 I think that this project is going really well. We have dedicated different pages to different people. I am incharge of the 5th and 6th panel, and we have strategized and planned what we each will be doing on the panels. We have also discussed the color scheme, and overall theme for … [Read more…]

Journal 3

As I read this first chapter, I really enjoyed learning about all the different qualities of news. I have heard of many and most are common sense, but it was good to learn the in-depth background of all of them. Learning why timeliness or proximity is important. Then understanding human interests, and trying to find … [Read more…]

Blog 19

Is protecting our environment a moral duty? Protecting our environment moral duty because this is the only earth we have. We don’t have any second chances, so if we don’t do anything to help it now we won’t ever be able to help it. Responsibility is a real source of strength. But there are so … [Read more…]

Blog 18

Is protecting our environment a moral duty? I honestly think that most people don’t think that protecting our environment is a moral duty. People don’t think about it. So many people are still so busy with their own life doing their own thing, they don’t think about it. People have a commute to work, they … [Read more…]

Blog 17

Kathleen Moore had an interview with Mark DeMocker, talking about climate change and house our generation has made no effort, and how we are so forgetful about the issues going on around us. In this interview Moore said “A new experiment may yet emerge. It needs to happen soon” (5). This is referring to a … [Read more…]

Blog 16

The only way social change can happen is if it is by large numbers, a group of people coming together as one. The social action happened by a large conversation or action taking place at the moment. And this is easiest achieved by being in a large group of people. Bill McKibben documentary “Do The … [Read more…]

Blog 15

Reading Charles Duhigg’s ‘From Civil Rights to Megachurches’ I learned about a three-step process to social change. Duhigg suggests that peer pressure is a way to create social change. This is a very popular idea because we have seen it before with Hallward and Epstein. The idea of peer pressure is to make a bigger … [Read more…]

Blog 14

‘Do The Math’ is a political movement focusing on climate change and how to change out ways to decrease the speed of which it is happening. This was created by Bill McKibben along with seven undergraduate students. Their website is getting more and more popular, with the more an more conversations that are happening … [Read more…]

Blog 13

I believe that the fear of missing out is a real thing, teenagers are getting depressed, but not telling it to anyone. Though there is a lot of information and statistics, there are still people that think that technology really has no connection to mental health. They don’t think that keeping too up to date … [Read more…]

Blog 12

Question: Is FOMO real?   I 100% believe that the fear of missing out is real. And I can say from first-hand experience that it is real. But, I will say that it happens more in middle school and freshman year when everyone was still trying to figure out their friend groups and who they wanted … [Read more…]