Playced Recruiting Column: It's student-athlete, not athlete-student
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College is not easy in any sense but it can become much more difficult when someone has an issue with time management. Athletes have even less time to get their work done as there is such a heavy time commitment in college athletics. Often it is hard being an athlete and having to manage your academics, athletics, and social life and become quite tasking and difficult to work on day in and day out but if time is managed well it becomes much more bearable. In season is also much worse as a slight period of time that an athlete has in season is either sleeping, doing homework, or even rehabbing. During my freshman year, it really took a toll on me and I found that I had to use every bit of free time that I had. If I had an hour break in a class I would either be studying or doing homework just so I would have a manageable amount for after practice so that I would have an opportunity to rest my body.