I feel as though today’s reflection on our resumes went very well. We were all able to touch upon some of the things that we thought needed work, or that we were uncertain about. For me, I will take my resume and dive into the tenses that I use. I will sometimes go in and out of past and present tense. Along with that, I need to reword or add words here and there. For example, my social media experience only has one bullet point and all of the other experiences had 2 or 3. I will also have to go through and check the consistency. I use “4” and “four” in two different areas. So it is important for me to stay consistent and stick with one or the other. For the other people in my group, we were able to pinpoint some rewording and mostly, formatting issues. I feel that all five of us had at least one formatting adjustment to make. We talked about how to expand some wording and how to decrease some wording, without affecting the important information that they already had listed. I think the best advice I gave today was tiny formatting tips.