- Demonstrate oral communication skills expected of a future professional in the field.
Indicators of achievement are as follows:- Effectively speak in public settings
- Apply advanced decision-making processes within groups
- Negotiate and collaborate effectively
I can confidently say that I can communicate orally with no problem at all. But with that being said, I am not as confident saying that it is because of the communications program. I did take the oral communication/public speaking class, but it was only one class. I did learn techniques and what to do and not do when presenting in front of a crowd and that is very helpful. But I am also just a social, outspoken, extroverted person to begin with, so talking in front of people comes naturally to me. I am also a very natural leader so decision-making in groups comes naturally to me.
I do have a hard time understanding why decision- making is in this category or why this would be important to learn in the classroom. I believe that working with others is a good point to have on there. The majority of the projects we do in our classes are group based, so the point does make sense. And I do believe that I got a lot out of working with groups, being able to talk out the process of the project, and for the overall fun of it.
An example of this could be, during COVID, the lack of in person classes, led us to record us talking and presenting. Here is a link to a talk I did about my final Blogproj.
Final Blog Proj
2. Demonstrate written communication skills expected of a future professional in the field.
Indicators of achievement are as follows:
-Write for specific purposes and situations
-Write informatively, persuasively and clearly
I do believe that I have excelled at written communication forms in the communications program. I have taken journalism classes, story writing, and more. I learned to not only write in an academic way, but also in a professional manner. I did this by taking Professional and Technical Writing, taught by Jesse Miller. I am confident and can say that every single class I have taken for communications I have had to do some kind of written paper, or script. I feel that this is the fastest skill taught and completed in the program.
An example of writing informatively, persuasively and clearly, here is the link to my Professional and Technical writing class.
3. Use current technology related to the communication field effectively and ethically.
Indicators of achievement are as follows:
-Use a range of applications software effectively
-Use communication technology effectively and ethically in a professional setting.
-Understand the limitations of technology
From my understanding, I relate this to the physical equipment we might use for class. Like, a camera, microphones, lights, and backdrops. And the softwear, as in FinalCutPro, Celteix, and GarageBand. These are all softwares I have learned how to use during the two years of studying communications. I can confidently film a video, and edit it using the software of final cut pro. I believe that this is another skill that is very much so focused on during the program. I believe that a lot of the classes are geared towards the skill building of physical filmmaking.
With the understanding of limitations of technology, I am not sure what this means. Understanding that not everything can be done with technology? Understanding how to use the technology we have to exceed limitations? To learn limitations? I am really not sure. But if I were to take a guess, it would be that I understand that technology has its limits, and you still need the face to face, physical and personal connections with other humans.
4. Competently employ digital media in professional settings as an effective communication tool. Indicators of achievement are as follows:
-Have a working knowledge of media story structure
-Create media content that communicates effectively using a variety of tools
-Contribute to the production of media content by serving in different roles and working effectively in team
I do believe that I have an understanding of the professional world that communications might bring. I think that the digital media that I have learned here will transfer over into a professional setting. I can write a story, from taking Documentary Film with Joe Habraken, I know how to create a story, the correct script form, and how to create an effective story. I can create media that uses multiple tools.
I believe that the third point is being able to play multiple roles in the group project process. So being able to be the cameraman, or the lighting person, or being able to edit. I can confidently play all of those roles with the information I have learned in the classes I have taken here. This goes along with the physical making of a film. I feel that these topics are very focused on during the program and out of all of the classes we take.