I have only written one cover letter in my life before, and it was at the help of my mother, aka she basically did the entire thing. But now I can confidently say that I am able to write a cover letter about myself, independently without the help of my mother or the internet. I wasn’t necessarily thinking it would be a hard process but that being said it surely wasn’t easy. I believe the hardest part is solely the fact of talking about myself. It gives me some uncomfortable and makes me feel as though I am bragging. Which, at the end of the day is basically what I need to do if I am applying for a competitive job offering. But other than that, the process was quick and easy, I did make a couple tiny changes here and there, along with adding some more information.I thought this project was super helpful and gave me more insight on how to write a cover letter on my own, without the help or need for others. Along with learning how to write a cover letter, I also learned what to look for in one. So now, if I were to ever be put onto a search committee, I will have an idea what to look for.