Blog 11

While reading Alexandra Samuels ‘Plug In Better: A Manifesto’ I realized how her view on distraction is different from Andersons. Though Anderson goes off on some tangents here and there talking about Adderall use and becoming less creative, he says that technology is the one that is distracting us, and we get too distracted all … [Read more…]

Blog 10

Writing about “So what? Who cares?” is important. This is where you can hook your reader into reading something they might not even be interested in. It’s just like a big colorful picture, something that draws your attention in. Its the topic sentence, it’s painting a picture, it’s making the reader question themselves on why … [Read more…]

Blog 9

I feel that in Jean Twenge’s Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation? she is almost trying to blame someone for what is happening with technology. It seems as if she can’t live with the fact that this is all happening collectively, with all generations, and she’s trying to point fingers at who it is affecting the … [Read more…]

blog 8

When reading Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation? By Jean Twenge I made a lot of connections. She talks a lot about how generations are almost falling apart because of our addiction to our screens. There was a lot of topics that were covered in this text and I honestly have to say that I personally … [Read more…]

blog 7

I believe that in Anderson’s article In Defence of Distraction,  he is both right and wrong. I agree with the fact he is saying that technology is really taking over our world. I do think that we are 100% addicted and that screens are just like drugs and are addicting but I don’t think that … [Read more…]

Blog 6

In the article In Defence of Distraction by Sam Andreson, talks about the complications of technology on the generations around us. Andreson does a lot of complaining throughout the article saying that technology has decreased the productivity of people during their days. He does all this complaining but then continues to say that we can’t … [Read more…]

blog 5

Question: What are other ways social cohesion could happen in the world around us?   I believe that there are several ways that social cohesion can happen. Epstein and Hallward talk a lot about conversations and that’s how social cohesion is going to happen on a big scale, I don’t disagree with that, but, I … [Read more…]

Blog 4

In Helen Epstein’s article, she talks about the social cohesion in Africa focusing on AID/HIV. She wants to talk about how popular these diseases are in the country, and how there is not much being done to prevent it. There is not much being down to forcefully push the prevention of this disease from spreading. … [Read more…]

Blog Three

  I most definitely think that art and museums can create social cohesion. Art is so popular and is something that always creates conversations. Art creates questions, causing people to talk to others about it, asking each other how they interpret it. Martha’s goal was to get her story out, she wanted to let people … [Read more…]

Blog two

Helen Epstein went into great detail about her journeys and what she found along the way. Helen talked a lot about things that I never really knew about. I had no idea that the government did so little to help out and how they took so much from the people. I didn’t know about all … [Read more…]