Professor Mary Katherine Spain
Professor Spain has been working for UNE since the Fall of 2016 tutoring the on-line Graduate programs. Then in the Fall of 2018, she was hired as a Writing Support Lab Instructor on the Biddeford campus. In the Spring 2019, she began teaching ENG110. In an interview, she answered questions about freshmen feeling overwhelmed and how to make the transition easier.
“There are a few things I would offer here. First, let it out! Tell someone, even if it is your RA or a friend. Just talking about stress helps us shake it out a little. I would also advise sending an email or visiting their professors during office hrs or after/before class. Professors are generally very flexible and understand that students get overwhelmed. We can’t help you if we don’t know what’s going on, so communication is key. I would also advise doing the things which might re-balance the physical body: take a run, walk in nature, chill out (or dance) to some favorite tunes. Whatever is the go-to stress reducer, do that. Eat your veggies, especially your green ones, because they have B-12 in them, and that vitamin helps to quell the effects of cortisol, which is the product of stress.”
“Adopt a growth mindset. All of their lives, they’ve been conditioned to perform but a performer is someone who has mastered their art, their talent. Instead, adopt the mindset of a LEARNER. It’s college, after all. It EXISTS to teach you something you don’t already know. If college students could understand and accept this outlook, I think they would 1) do even better academically, 2) have a much more enjoyable time at it, and 3) model a new paradigm for those who will attend college after them.”