The article “On Beauty and Being Just” did not make sense, or really strike an interest with me. Reading about beauty is something that doesn’t quite strike my interest. The section “Errors within any one site” was a little more along my interests. I also related to this section. Being diagnosed with dyslexia, I had to read, repeat, read, repeat, for many years. But overall I think the definition of beauty is very different for everyone, it is never the same. I don’t agree with”making an error in beauty”. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Who is to say one piece of art is beautiful for all to look at. Or one piece of writing is beautiful and makes sense to all that read it. I think Harris can relate to these, for coming to terms, forwarding, borrowing and extending. I think the idea of beauty can be forwarded, and extended. Explaining to someone why you think something is the way it is will allow them to see it from another point of view.