My first memorable work that I did for a humanities class is for my Modern Tourism class, writing a research paper. It is so memorable because I despised it. I have never hated writing a paper so much. This class was so not interesting to me, and having to write a 10 page research paper on top of that made it just that much worse. I really have never paid attention to what classes are humanities or not, so I have to do a little digging to figure out some other details. I think one piece of work that I did that I was very proud of was my autoethnography that I wrote for my Cultural communications class with Dr. Hunt. I think about that writing a lot. There really isn’t anything that I notice about my work specifically that is different, because the autoethnography wasn’t revolving around the ability to write, it was around the knowledge of myself, and what I am surrounded with. I really don’t notice anything super different. I have taken a large array of writing classes, So I know that my writing skills have improved, and I know that the ideas and organization have improved. I also loved all the work I did in the Painted Book class I took, and that was considered part of the humanities. Like I said, I did a lot more work in my previous years with writing, but because it is not something I find extremely passionate anymore, I don’t do a lot with it.