Is protecting our environment a moral duty?

I honestly think that most people don’t think that protecting our environment is a moral duty. People don’t think about it. So many people are still so busy with their own life doing their own thing, they don’t think about it. People have a commute to work, they don’t think there’s any other of getting there, they don’t think that their one plastic cup will have an effect on everyone else in the world. There are very few people that are fighting got this like it’s their job, and for many people it is their jobs. More people should be thinking about this planet before they think about themselves. This plants will be here longer than they will, and I think that is what is influencing most people’s thoughts. They know that they won’t be around when the earth starts having really bad effects from the planet. So why should they care? They should care because this is their earth too. This is where their children and grandchildren will be. They are ruining it for their children and grandchildren.