The only way social change can happen is if it is by large numbers, a group of people coming together as one. The social action happened by a large conversation or action taking place at the moment. And this is easiest achieved by being in a large group of people. Bill McKibben documentary “Do The Math” talks about how social movements can make a large impact on the world. In this document, McKibben said, “Today I know we’re going to fight the battle, the most fateful battle in human history is finally joined and we will fight it together” (14). McKibben focuses a lot on the fact that we need to work together in order to defeat this world wide issue we have. He thinks that a small group will not be able to make a big enough effect on the world, so he pushes the large groups and movements. Charles Duhigg has very similar ideas in his essay “From Civil Rights to Megachurches”, but different at the same time. Duhigg talks about the relatedness between weak and strong ties, and how we are more likely to make a larger movement based in communities. Duhigg explains “The power of weak ties helps explain how a protest can expand from a group of friends into an abroad social movement” (91). He is saying that with even with weak ties to others, the best way to create social change is by the large group. McKibben talks more about teamwork, and Duhigg talks more about the social ties to one another, while both hinting that a large group is needed for social change.