‘Do The Math’ is a political movement focusing on climate change and how to change out ways to decrease the speed of which it is happening. This was created by Bill McKibben along with seven undergraduate students. Their website 350.org is getting more and more popular, with the more an more conversations that are happening about climate change. When Bill had an interview with other environmentalists and researchers, he states “Tonight’s the stat of the last campaign that I may really get to fight, not because I’m getting tired but because the planet is getting tired”(2). What Bill means by this is that we are wearing down this planet so much more than we realize, we are killing it more and more every day. And who knows when it will be the last. Bills ideas are ways to help the planet, and maybe to bash on humankind and how we’re destroying it here and there. He talks a lot about pollutions of natural gases, oils, and other things we are adding to our planet. Bill is saying that Out oceans are now close to 30% more acidic than 30 years ago. And that atmosphere is about 5% wetter than it was 40 years ago because the warm air holds more moisture than the cold air (3). And that is what climate change is, the earth heating up and continuously becoming warmer.