When reading Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation? By Jean Twenge I made a lot of connections. She talks a lot about how generations are almost falling apart because of our addiction to our screens. There was a lot of topics that were covered in this text and I honestly have to say that I personally connected with every single one of them in some way or another. I related to her text a lot when she was talking about depression rates and how they can be linked to the addition to social media. When she said, “There is compelling evidence that the devices we’ve placed in young people’s hands are having profound effects on their lives and making them seriously unhappy”(pg 4), I have to say that it is not the device its self that is addicting, it is the social media that we put on the device. We get addicted to the notifications, the perfect posts the most likes. I also connected with what she was saying about feeling left out, it’s almost unavoidable. you see all your friends out having a good time, but you were never invited, it hurts. But yet, the next day and I turn around and do the same thing to one of my other friends. Twenge also mentions the fact that kids nowadays are not as motivated to get their licenses or earn their own money, but it was just the opposite for me and my friends. I have had the same job since I was in eighth grade, and I got my license the day I was able too. That for me was freedom, getting away from my parents, more motivation.