Question: What are other ways social cohesion could happen in the world around us?


I believe that there are several ways that social cohesion can happen. Epstein and Hallward talk a lot about conversations and that’s how social cohesion is going to happen on a big scale, I don’t disagree with that, but, I feel that there are bigger ways social cohesion can happen. I think social cohesion is going to end with conversation, but it can start, for instance, with a riot, a march or a movement. They might not necessarily be good, but those things end up on the news, and then from there, people watching the news, will start a conversation with others. No matter the situation, good or bad, it just started a large conversation. I also feel that social cohesion can happen over any topic, it doesn’t just have to be over someone’s feelings or sad story, it can be over a world problem. I also feel that focusing in on communities rather than individuals would help push everyone a little more. If we get people from a grouped point, individuals will feel left out or that they are in the wrong for not joining. Those people will then join in, and we just keep collecting numbers as we go. I do think a conversation is a big part of how social change is going to work, but I think something bigger needs to happen before hand.